Be Encouraged! Pray & Take Action

Let Your Light Shine

When you read the latest headline, turn on the news, or scroll through social media, how does it make you feel? Perhaps you feel discouraged by the direction Oregon and the nation are taking. Maybe you are angered by the injustices in the world or saddened by the rejection of biblical values and the suffering of the innocent. Or perhaps you feel confused by all of the contradicting claims, not knowing who or what to believe. 

You are not alone. These are undeniably difficult times. 

The good news is that if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, the ultimate hope does not rest in government and politics. Instead, it is anchored in His promises, faithfulness, and eternal kingdom. 

Throughout Scripture, we see the principle of stewardship. From Adam and Eve, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Esther, Mary, Jesus’ disciples, Paul, and countless others, we see how normal humans walked in obedience to Christ and stewarded their area of influence. As a result, many benefited from the incredible – and even miraculous – fruit of their stewardship.

Take heart that God is not calling you to rescue this nation on your own. Instead, it is our responsibility to be faithful with what He has given us and what He is calling us to do. Similar to how Jesus used the two fish and five loaves of bread from a boy to feed a multitude of people, He can use and multiply what little (or much) you have to offer Him.

We encourage you to ask God, “What do you want me to do in this season?” It could look like contacting your legislators, running for office, volunteering, speaking up when it would be easier to stay silent, learning more about the U.S. Constitution, or raising the next generation. Whatever it is, know that it will make a difference. 

Let us continue to pray for our leaders, this nation, our churches, and one another. Nothing is too difficult for Christ!

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” — Romans 15:13


2021 School Board Election Endorsements